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Commands Usage

Command Description
dumpmem! Dumps the whole 64MB physical memory map to E:\DEVKIT\dxt\memdump.bin
pokemem! addr value Writes a specified DWORD (4 bytes) to the specified address.
freezemem! addr value Same as pokemem, but instead freezes the specified address with the written value.
startsearch! equals/not-equals/less-than/greater-than/unknown value Begins a conditional or unknown search for memory values. Restarts any existing search.
contsearch! equals/not-equals/same/different/less-than/greater-than/less/greater value Continues a search for memory values. Execute startsearch! first before using this command.
changetype! byte/word/dword/float Changes the type of value to search for before starting a search. Size of byte = 1, size of word = 2, size of dword/float = 4. Float is signed, all other types are unsigned.